Tuesday, March 14, 2017

When Your Doctor Scares You Into Healthy Living

My life has bumped up against some major challenges since last I blogged. To say 2016 was a stressful year would be an understatement. As the year came to a close, my anxiety levels reached some dizzying heights. That said, I decided to start 2017 with a new frame of mind.

I scheduled a visit on January 5th to the doctor to start taking my health more seriously by starting an annual physical and chat with my new physician for tips on dealing with my anxiety.  On January 20th, I went back to get my lab results.

Bottom line, things are not looking good.

Now, from the perspective of looking at things from a glass half full, I am happy to say, I am HIV negative, and have no issues with cancer. But here's where things got very REAL.

My doctor said:

1. I am PRE-DIABETIC and my blood glucose levels are so high I am literally ONE point away from becoming a FULL BLOWN DIABETIC.

2. My blood pressure is good but my Bad Cholesterol numbers are dangerously high.

3. My creatinine levels are dangerously high which may lead to some level of Kidney disease.

Cue, jaw drop.

Doctor's Advice:

3. Lose WEIGHT
4. Switch to a PLANT-BASED DIET

What can I say. Any delusions I was living under that I am a relatively healthy guy blew up in that moment. No longer could I pretend that my years of smoking was no big deal. The truth is smoking was my only tool for dealing with stress and anxiety. I didn't say this was a smart way to deal with stress but it was the choice I made and now I had a wake up call.

I am moving into March and happy to report I have been an ex-smoker for over a month and a half.  I've also been eating a plant based diet for a month and a half as well. Strangely, I have craved a cheeseburger more than a cigarette which no matter how you look at it a sign of success for a former chain smoker.

So why am I saying all this? Well, I am putting it all out on the table because, my fear of becoming a diabetic is real and very stressful.

While my dream is to make a living full-time as a working tv & film actor, this new reality has awakened me to the fact that I am more than just an actor. Duh... In fact none of that means anything if I don't have my health. Now again, being a diabetic is not like facing a cancer diagnosis but the fact is I don't want to be taking insulin everyday. In many ways this wake up call while stressful is my last opportunity to pull myself from the cliff regarding my health.

This has become my opportunity to make real changes for the better in all areas of my life. In so doing, this blog will become a space for me to channel my frustrations, map my journey and chronicle my ups and downs as I learn how to manage life without nicotine, on a plant-based diet and a ton of exercise.

This is truly one of those turning points in my life. With faith, hard work and many trips to LA Fitness, I may be able to transform my life for the better.

Wish me luck!

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