Monday, September 30, 2013

Taking a More "Practical" Approach to My Spiritual Journey

This month, I have found myself in a variety of random conversations that centered in one way or another around religion, spirituality or folks' belief systems- religious or otherwise. As is my mindset, these events led me to question my own spirituality. I will be honest and acknowledge, I have not found any sense of connection with any particular religion but draw on what resonates for me from whatever religious texts "speak" to me. Hence, I see myself as a spiritual person.

A few years ago, I discovered a book called "Science of Mind" which in many, many ways interprets a spiritual viewpoint in sync with my beliefs. I decided, while I have read the book many times, I was not clear on if I was living it in my life or just fooling myself with my own spiritual self-delusion. I looked at the state of my life: love, career, personal adventures and found it wanting in all areas. I started asking what is the point of being "spiritual" if its impact on my life is just blah. I decided to become a seeker of "practical spirituality". By this I mean a sense of spiritual connectedness that leads to some practical, visible, verifiable positive results. My first step has been to delve deeper into Ernest Holmes' teachings which held the most promise for me and see if I could learn more.

Naturally, I went on-line and discovered a site called the Global Truth Network. They offer an approach to living the teachings of "Science of Mind" in your daily life. I figured, not a bad place to start exploring. I located a center in Los Angeles and to my surprise there is one in the NoHo Arts District which is only a few blocks from my apartment.  Isn't it funny how there are so many things going on around us of which we are completely clueless until the moment we are not?

So, having discovered the location, I looked at the local center's website, found the time of their Sunday Service and started my journey.  It felt a bit like one of those moments where you say, there is no such thing as "coincidence".  Part of their mission is enlightenment through entertainment. Sounds like a good sign for an actor, haha!  I think I may have found a new place to feed me on my spiritual journey that encompasses all sides of Who I am. I have always seen myself as a loner, not a "group-oriented" guy. This will be interesting. The Sunday service is held on a theater stage so I am definitely going to be testing my assumptions about spirituality as they bump up against all my assumptions of religious ettiquette programmed into my head from childhood.

I look forward to seeing where this road leads and what unexpected joys lie in the moment ahead.

I found this clip from the Rev. James Mellon, one of the Global Network co-founders which resonated with my thoughts today so I felt the impulse to share.

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