Thursday, January 31, 2019

Reversing My Diabetes Thru a Whole Food Plant Based Diet

This picture to the right is me. Overweight, out-of-shape, and at the end of the road when  it comes to my living in denial. 

The battle lines have been drawn.  

Monday evening I had my annual physical and blood tests to get a better picture of my health challenges and what I am dealing with.  It turns out to be a good news/bad news situation.

The good news: my esophagus is slowly healing due to my adopting a plant-based diet.  I still have a way to go because the healing is taking place via food as medicine rather than pharmaceutical assistance. I am okay with that!

The even better good news is that given my esophagus is healing and the choking / vomiting has decreased dramatically, this suggests that cancer, is currently off the table as a health concern.

The bad news is, my not taking my blood pressure and blood sugar issues seriously two years ago, when I first started my practice, has me now scrambling to get my “act” together before it is too late.

Here’s the challenge.

Challenge #1: My blood pressure is hovering at dangerously high levels. I need to get even  stricter with my plant-based diet and remove even the “vegan junk food” to lower sodium where possible. If I can’t get my blood pressure down via nutrition, my doctor said we need to discuss medication. That is not an option for me, so bring on the celery juice and daily transcendental meditation!

Challenge #2

I received a phone call on Wednesday afternoon from my doctor’s office informing me that my A1C levels have moved from 6.5, which diagnosed me as pre-diabetic two years ago, to 6.7 which has NOW classified me as diabetic. Yes, I replaced worrying about the Big C last month, to worrying about the Big D.  

I returned to have my blood work retested to confirm the A1C results and then I meet with the doctor on February 11th.

What does this mean? I have three months to not only get my blood pressure in check, but also lower my A1C numbers or I will face having to take medication for both high blood pressure and diabetes for LIFE.


Talk about taking it to the Gohonzon…

I have my work cut out for me. Yet, I’m not wallowing in sadness or fear. I don’t have time for it.  When I got off the phone with my doctor’s office, I recognized that NOW is the time to not just lean into my practice, I MUST BATHE IN THE POWER OF MY FAITH to literally transform my mind & body so that I reverse my diabetes and eliminate any trace of hypertension in my blood.  

My mantra for the next three months is

“Wake Up With Determination. Go To Bed With Satisfaction.”  
It is not lost on me that my Gohonzon Birthdays seem to be markers for major change in my life.  Last year when February rolled around, I learned my mother passed away. 
This year, I approach February 25th with the knowledge that if I want to be around for a third Gohonzon birthday, I need to radically revamp my health. 

As strange as it sounds, having gone through a few months of fearing I have cancer, I had more than my fair share of shall we say “facing my mortality” moments. I already decided last month, “I WANT TO LIVE”, so I have no intention of being undone by these two challenges.

The time for dabbling at healthy living is over. I must move thru each day with the determination to:

1.     Chant in front of my gohonzon      “NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO”
2.     Do my Trancendental Meditation
4.     Eat PLANTS ONLY
Nichiren Daishonin writes:                                                                I am . . . praying as earnestly as though to produce fire from damp wood, or to obtain water from parched ground” (WND-1, 444). _____________________________________________________________________

So, here I am. Unafraid. Ready for change.
I don’t feel alone in this. I have found inspiration from Sensei left and right popping into my day, reminding me that I have the power to achieve my goals as long as I “Never Give Up.” 
N i c h i r e n Daishonin states in one of his writings: “Illness gives rise to the resolve to attain the Way.

Thank you, Universe, for guiding me to this Buddhist practice, providing me the tools to connect with my Buddha-nature, and take action to literally transform the health of my mind, body and spirit in 2019 so I can get on with the business of LIVING MY DREAMS.  

That said,Δ

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