Friday, April 15, 2016

Meditation Practice Opens Door to Discovering the Works of Marianne Williamson

I find myself struck by the tiny shifts happening in my daily life once I made a personal decision to live from a place of Truth in a real meaningful way.  I have for years had much difficulty embracing a meditation practice. I just had big expectations of some big spiritual awakening but my mind seemed to ramp up with mindless chatter and I gave up.

This time around, I have found that simply being in a place of wanting to make a life change and if you will, surrender, has made all the difference.  I am one week in to, once in the morning when I wake up and again at night before I go to bed, sitting on my meditation pillow and listening to the silence without expectation of anything. My goal is to simply establishing the "practice" and whatever benefit will come when it will come.

To my surprise, what I am finding is while nothing particular seems to be happening while I am on the pillow, I am finding myself drawn to material during the rest of my day that is showing me a more spiritually mature way of looking at situations as they arise.

Case in point, I have heard of Marianne Williamson, but for some reason, I have never read a single bit of any of her many bestselling books on spirituality. In retrospect, I find this strange since, I have a ton of books on spirituality, self-help, what have you. So why have I never read anything she wrote? Odd. This week, however, she has been popping up for me almost daily. Of course, I walked to The Illiad Bookshop a few blocks from my home and bought my first Marianne Williamson book, A RETURN TO LOVE. I get it. I don't think I was ready for her.

If I am truthful with myself, up to this point in my life, my sense of spirituality has been about escaping my own pain and finding happiness through spiritual "Ra Ra" positive thinking without addressing on any deep, meaningful way, what is actually happening.

Now I am ready and listening to her conversations, her thoughts and it makes complete sense. It isn't easy but what she says just makes sense and inspires me to look at the shadow and light of who I am.

I just came across this Youtube interview that Kristen Noel had with Marianne Williamson for Best Self Magazine. Such an interesting, thought provoking discussion, definitely worth listening to when you are ready to make the time.


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